January Through September 2023 Local Inquiry Team Case Blocks
From January 1, 2023, through September 30, 2023, the OIG’s Local Inquiry Team monitored and closed 68 cases. This document presents all monitored and closed cases during this period.
From January 1, 2023, through September 30, 2023, the OIG’s Local Inquiry Team monitored and closed 68 cases. This document presents all monitored and closed cases during this period.
As part of our statute, the Office of the Inspector General (the OIG) maintains an Intake Processing Unit, which receives complaints from the incarcerated population and the public, in communication with our office. Intake staff respond to these communications, which can exceed 300 complaints each month. Complaints arrive to us through regular mail, by phone calls (toll-free hotline), and as web inquiries received via our website. Below are three complaints for which our Intake staff conducted a review or inquiry and have closed as of October 2023. These cases highlight a variety of matters in which the actions of OIG staff had an impact on the complainant and may result in further OIG monitoring of inquiries or investigations conducted by departmental staff.
This report summarizes the medical inspections we performed at each of the 34 adult prisons operated by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation between March 2019 and September 2023. We rated the health care provided at 23 institutions adequate and the health care provided at 11 institutions inadequate during this inspection cycle.
During September 2023, the OIG’s Centralized Screening Monitoring Team randomly selected and opened 299 grievances for monitoring. This document presents five notable cases monitored and closed by the OIG during September 2023.
During August 2023, the OIG’s Centralized Screening Monitoring Team randomly selected, and opened, 490 grievances for monitoring. This document presents four notable cases monitored and closed by the OIG during August 2023.
This report summarizes the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s performance in conducting internal investigations and handling employee discipline cases we monitored and closed from January 1, 2023, through June 30, 2023. Of the 192 cases we monitored and closed, we rated 45 cases sufficient, 94 sufficient with recommendations, and 53 insufficient.
This report contains our assessment of the medical care provided to incarcerated persons at the California Health Care Facility between December 2021 and May 2022. We rated the overall quality of health care provided at the California Health Care Facility during this time period as inadequate.
In this special review, we assessed the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s procedures for processing the transfer and bed change requests of transgender, nonbinary, and intersex incarcerated people in accordance with the requirements of the Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act. We found significant delays in the transfer process; the department has only processed 55 of the 382 transfer requests made in the first two years since the Act went into effect. However, we found the department has properly responded to complaints of sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and assault involving transferees at CCWF and CIW.
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